Friday, September 30, 2011


It's 3am and I'm getting ready for my morning meditation at my yoga centre, my ego tells me to stay in bed, yet I know my heart wants me to go and experience the joy of these ambrosial hours.If you told me a year ago I would be waking up to meditate at 3 am, I would have burst into hysterical laughter, followed by a reassurance you that u seriously needed to have your psychic abilities re tuned! I know now, that I feel totally blessed for my life because of this meditative practice and a clarity and creativity that is incomprehensible is filtering through my brainwaves which has inspired me immensely as an artist to create the dreams I yearn for.........Dreams to travel to far away lands and sow the seeds of a world of art behind me as a result while healing others has always been a desire to fulfill. I experience and express myself through my art in whatever form and  Kundalini yoga has been a funnel for that energy. 
It's a beautiful thing when things align in your life,and abundance flows.I have been through phenomenal highs and equally as intense lows and finally I feel like there is peace and serenity in my life, to just allow and breathe in the moment of truth of being totally present, that is where I strive to be...... We don't need to struggle like we think we do in order to achieve, most thoughts are just an illusion, especially ones coming from a place of ego, or materialism. I struggled with my head for a long time, and now after months of intense meditation, I am getting ready to share this knowledge with the world,with you. 
Like a butterfly we sometimes need to retreat for a while and grow in our cocoons and let time allow for that allowing and revel in the patience with the knowing that a butterfly is about to be born. 

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gone too soon......

I am filled with sadness right now as I write to you, my dear friend.The sombre setting of the grey clouds on this easter sunday lay above you. It happened in a blink of an eye,all to fast for us to fathom.You left your physical body behind and have illuminated us with your strong spirit that will not be easily forgotten. I can only imagine that right now you are in a peace that you could not find here one earth.You showed me light that was covered in dust. you showed me kindness that rarely exists.Even though you could not see your greatness, U are one of the purest souls I ever met and I watched you fight your battle,day by day,hour by hour. I saw your beautiful daughters face today as I poured sand over your casket. She watched in confusion of your sudden disappearance and innocently asked when it was time for her to go to dance class.She will no doubt grow up to be the strong woman I remember you to be. You were too young to leave us,gone too soon. I am filled with gratitude to have spent your last days with you on this planet Earth. My heart is with your family and I pray that you now rest in peace.
I love you forever Nikki,
your friend

Sunday, March 13, 2011

virginal happiness

I sometimes believe that I should have been cancer instead of saggi? The way I retreat into my cave, dreaming,researching,studying subject matter that fascinates me and stimulates me,always seeking for the answers of the complex mind and heart, understanding the mind's of others, trying to make sense of this crazed maze, and finding out what truly matters when perspective is brought forward.With the global catastrophe happening right now and people close to me being diagnosed with cancer, I have an innate sadness that makes me feel helpless.My once monumental issues,quickly dissolve to dust.

I feel that human spirit and compassion and less self seeking will truly make a change to the world we are experiencing, and more now than ever before we can lend a hand to the souls that need our love,  a selfless kind of loving compared to a self seeking kind of love you find in snagging the latest Louis Vuitton. NOw there is nothing wrong with retail therapy but I just think its unwarranted extravagance that we can do without. Living in a material world as we know it, one can get clouded very quickly. I don't feel that Cape town is any less pretentious than Hollywood......I am constantly surrounded by the idea of materialism and fame, and I wish to find truth in it all and not be a victim to the idea of  the happiness that all that would bring me. I have been recognizing that all those ideas could very well be the illusion of the mind and that coming into alignment with a higher consciousness and my own true vibration, would be the only way to virginal happiness and being inside my own vortex would allow me to fulfill the potential of truly being present for another human being.....