Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Big pond

Immersed into the colossal pond of ultimate dreams and broken ones....Dreams that I have for my life and for the dreams I have for other lives.Besides my intentions of planting fruit trees around the world in impoverished countries,spreading the ancient healing secrets and knowledge I have learnt with Raw and living foods/superfoods and how they have impacted my life on a daily basis.I have a huge desire to follow a lifelong dream of being involved in films that send out powerful messages. To laugh or to cry? or purely entertain them. It's in my blood and Things are moving swiftly. It's time to have some fun and enjoy this sometime painfully slow process of acting. Waiting.... waiting.'Hurry up and wait' is what my ears become accustomed to. I constantly want to be one step ahead of myself. I know I need to acknowledge the cracks in this road that take me to where I'm going. This journey for me, is to practice being in the moment, to be present and to pause and smell those roses. Stars flickering, eyes glistening as I pass one poster after the next. One in particular, The'Green Zone'stares me in the face as I sit on my friends balcony overlooking downtown La. I visualize my name next to Matt Damon's sweet angelic face. I have been hiding out in Venice with the Beatnicks and Buddhists alike.I'm incredibly fond of this area,from running on Santa Monica's beaches,to catching some raw vegan deliciousness to the yoga Venice has to offer. I realize that it takes a lot to get me to go 'into town' as I like to call it.Traffic is just a nightmare from this end to lollipop land.I made the mission a few nights ago where I had dinner at the newly opened members club, Soho House, which is a spectacular penthouse with a 360 degree view of LA that is just outlandishly cool. Last week I was at the Universal Studios lot,(it was really quite interesting to see the sets up close and personal),especially the Jaws set,that movie scarred me for life and part of the reason why I don't surf to this day. I was there to sign with Hg entertainment and have a new manager, Erik Heintz on my side.Things are looking up.....