Friday, September 30, 2011


It's 3am and I'm getting ready for my morning meditation at my yoga centre, my ego tells me to stay in bed, yet I know my heart wants me to go and experience the joy of these ambrosial hours.If you told me a year ago I would be waking up to meditate at 3 am, I would have burst into hysterical laughter, followed by a reassurance you that u seriously needed to have your psychic abilities re tuned! I know now, that I feel totally blessed for my life because of this meditative practice and a clarity and creativity that is incomprehensible is filtering through my brainwaves which has inspired me immensely as an artist to create the dreams I yearn for.........Dreams to travel to far away lands and sow the seeds of a world of art behind me as a result while healing others has always been a desire to fulfill. I experience and express myself through my art in whatever form and  Kundalini yoga has been a funnel for that energy. 
It's a beautiful thing when things align in your life,and abundance flows.I have been through phenomenal highs and equally as intense lows and finally I feel like there is peace and serenity in my life, to just allow and breathe in the moment of truth of being totally present, that is where I strive to be...... We don't need to struggle like we think we do in order to achieve, most thoughts are just an illusion, especially ones coming from a place of ego, or materialism. I struggled with my head for a long time, and now after months of intense meditation, I am getting ready to share this knowledge with the world,with you. 
Like a butterfly we sometimes need to retreat for a while and grow in our cocoons and let time allow for that allowing and revel in the patience with the knowing that a butterfly is about to be born.